Saturday, December 20, 2014

Give Back Saturdays Part IV



It's that time again, a very special day in the week that my family and I have set aside to give back to our community.  Every Saturday we have been giving back to our community, and this Saturday marks the fourth Give Back Saturday of the Season.  Last Saturday, my family and I donated blankets to a homeless shelter through my church blanket drive, for more information on how you can participate in a blanket drive click here. 

This Saturday, my family and I are participating in a Shoe Box drive also sponsored by my church.  A Shoe Box drive is a mission dedicated to providing men and women who live in a homeless shelter toiletries for every day use.  The shoe boxes are packed with toiletries like bath gel, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, etc. and are given to a homeless shelter so it can be distributed to both men and women. I really like this mission because toiletries are necessities that everyone needs to be properly groomed and it's something that you can't have too much of.  I packed a box specifically for men and a box specifically for women, I purchased the items based off this website.    If you want to donate shoeboxes please visit the National Coalition for the Homeless Directory to find your local homeless shelter.

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